Thursday, October 17, 2013

Musing of one watching a man trying to verify a rumor that President Obama offered the mayor of Detroit a contract to consult on running a bankrupt government

Soliloquizing the other day I concluded that the administration has embarked on a long range plan to convert our political system into a one party system, similar to what the communist countries have. This involves spending more and more money on various assistance programs and if-so-facto influencing all the beneficiaries to vote for the party in power. The inevitable result would be that eventually the party in power would dominate both legislative and executive branches and maybe even the third branch. And so we would arrive at a point where we would have de facto dictatorship. That's not a very appealing prospect.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Musing of one watching three ants, two on one side, trying to move a leaf in opposite directions. The leaf was not moving.

So now we have the grand debacle of the government shut down because of the inflexible positions of two or three politicians. It is too bad we don't have someone like Ronald Reagan (Republican) and Tip O'Neill ( Democrat). When serious problems arose those two would sit down together and work them out. I think our current crop of politicians could take a lesson from Reagan and O'Neill. But as inflexible as they are, they probably won't.

Somehow we will muddle through this.