Thursday, October 22, 2015

Musing of one wondering what Obama has in mind about future activity once he leaves office.

I was reminiscing the other day about when I inadvertently bribed a government official.  I had been stationed at Fort Bell Bermuda and was ordered back to the US.  Mary Kay and the kids had joined me and they were authorized to accompany me.  So we flew to NY on one of the largest and most luxurious aircraft of the time, a Lockheed 4 engine aircraft whose model number I cannot recall.  So we flew to NY and were housed somewhere. The next day I went to  Fort Hamilton to get a TR to get a ticket home. At that time, Jack Daniels whiskey was completely unavailable in the US but could be had outside the country. I had a small cardboard box of 5 bottles in my bag which I intended to give to my father-in-law. 

My request for a TR was handled by a civilian who was about as negative as one can get. He said it would take at least a week to get us out of NY, and as he was discussing the problem, I open my barracks bag to get something. He saw the box of Jack Daniels. He said, "Is that Jack Daniels?" and I said, "Yes".  And with a burst of generosity and without thinking I asked if he wanted one. He said,"Yes" and locked it away in his desk.  Then he said I think I know a way to get you out of here tomorrow and that was a switch to what he had been saying about taking a week. So the next day we were on a train headed west. It did not occur to me until some time later that I had bribed a government official. The matter never came to light and I am duly grateful for that.  Any way the incident got us tickets home, starting the next day. So it goes.