Monday, November 26, 2012

Musing of one thinking about the country music star who had a cow brought into the recording studio so he could get into the proper mood.

Some months ago I heard President Obama state on a tv news show, "---healthcare is a basic human right."  (I can't remember the prefatory adjective.)  I have been pondering as to the definition of the authority that creates basic human rights.  I do not think that the President or any other individual can do that.  For example, if I state that it is a basic human right to pick fruit off any fruit tree you encounter, that does not make it so.  Such a right can only be exercised against me and my fruit trees if I have any.  In my opinion, the rights which every American has were established by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, each of which were approved by the 13 colonies (for the Declaration of Independence) and the 13 states (for the Constitution).  Subsequent rights have been established legislatively either in implementation of or under the authority of the Constitution.  Some rights are established by religious organizations but they are enforceable only by the adherents of that religion.  Various religious documents, such as the Bible, also set up rights, which are possessed by the adherents of that religion.  However, religious documents which I have read appear to me to be more concerned with responsibility than rights.  Of course there is a general right to pray. 

This dissertation will no doubt produce controversy and I will be happy to receive any comments. 

Musing of one thinking about the Congressman who dozed off during the session, fell off his chair, bruised his head, and demanded that OSHA penalize the architect of the Capitol for failing to provide a safe work environment...

Thanks to Jim Coyne for his comments.  I do have a great son of whom I am very proud.  He was borne and raised by a terrific mother who was also very proud of him, as she was of our other two children.

I didn't know he was a professional hula dancer.  I'll have to get him to give me a demonstration.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Musing of one watching a 270-pound pro football player land on his derriere while trying to imitate the movements of a professional hula dancer.

Thanks to Bob Bernard for his comment.  That's more food for thought.  Incidentally, I have heard that some people have difficulty making a comment on this blog.  Anyone who has such difficulty can email a comment to me at and I will transfer it to the blog.  Somewhere down the road I am going to make a posting on rights but don't hold your breath.