Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Musing of one watching the deer play around the house.

This house is going to be jumping during the Christmas holidays. There will be at least 8 people and I look forward to a lively time.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Musing of one watching the anti-Trump demonstrations.

Back in the dark ages when I was in high school, there was another high school called reform school, and anybody who messed up was sent there.  It was a disgrace to have to go there. The discipline there made you behave or else. I notice that in Seattle there was a walk out of students. Seems to me they could use some discipline, too.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Musing of one wondering how either Trump or Clinton would operate as President.

The front page of the newspaper last week had such negative information about New Mexico as the rest of the country probably thinks it is a wild, uncivilized place. There are only a couple of million people who like to live here so I guess it is a good thing. Apologies to Los Alamos and Sandia Labs.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Musing of one wondering about the family connection to Suddeley Castle in England.

Having reached the ripe old age of 99, I spend a lot of time reminiscing about the early days. Today I was trying to figure out how the telephone system worked and I think I remember. If it was a local call and a place that had no dial system, you picked up the phone and waited for a girl to say "number please" and she connected you. If it was a long distance call, you asked for a long distance operator and that operator would ask you for the name of the city and telephone number and she would get you connected there. As I remember, long distance calls were about $3/minute, so they were not very common. Of course there was no direct dialing system and no area codes so it was a rather cumbersome procedure.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Musing of one wondering what inspired a Frenchman to come up with the first hotair balloon flight.

Here I am at the ripe old age of 99 with a lot to reminisce about which is too boring to put on this. I hit the gray beard stage years ago and since then I progressed to the second stage of developing alligator skin, but I have much to reminisce about and I frequently do reminisce.  We had a beautiful family of five, and all three girls left this world some time ago.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Musing of one wondering if we ever had a worse political situation.

Last Tuesday I turned 99 and I don't feel a day older than 99 but I have lots to reminisce about and I frequently do.  I have experienced two world wars, a number of so called incidents, and innumerable minor upsets. My wife Mary Kay and I had a beautiful relationship and marriage that lasted over 73 1/2 years until I lost her in 2012.  There were 5 in my immediate family. All three women are gone leaving just my son and me as survivors. But all in all it is a good life.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Musing of one watching a group of senior citizens trying to figure out what they could do next.

As I approach my 99th birthday in September, I realized I am blessed. I guess I am also blessed with good genes because my mother lived to almost 105 and then she went of her own accord. She was living in a house in Albuquerque when by brother and his wife came from El Paso and took her down to live with them in a place called Monte Vista were they had acquired a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment, but my brother's wife did not care for it and they moved back to their old home in El Paso.  And since my mother could not afford the apartment she was relegated to a 2 person room where she was extremely unhappy and literally starved herself. I remember we went to visit her and she refused to eat anything. My sister Phyllis was with her when she passed away one month short of 105.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Musing of one watching the political antics of polital orators.

I think members of congress should be limited to two terms for Senators and six for Representatives; after all why should they be any different from the President.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Musing of one watching a man trying to figure out what to do with his vote for the Presidential election since he did not like any of the candidates.

I know this is probably repetitious, but I still have to face the probable choices that will be available in the Presidential election. As I have said, I have voted in 18 Presidential elections and I cannot recall a single one where there is a such a group of poor candidates to choose from. That's the way it goes.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Musing of one contemplating the probable choices we have for the presidential election.

By my calculations I have voted in 18 Presidential elections and I cannot recall one in which the field is so unappealing. It's too bad that Ben Carson and Marco Rubio are not running.  At least they would provide us a reasonable choice.

Gary Johnson is running as a Libertarian, and as far as I know he has a good clean record, so I will seriously consider him. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Musing of one remembering when he and his family lived on the edge of the infamous Bermuda Triangle and weren't even aware of it.

Some years ago, Donald Trump's wife Ivana referred to him as "The Donald".  At that time, he was not nearly as controversial as he is now, and it would be nice to see him go back to that situation.  I think he himself would be happier if he did.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Musing of one watching four deer wander through his yard apparently looking for something to eat.

Since I can no longer read, I depend on others to read me information about such things as the Constitution and citizenship. I still think citizenship is a valuable asset not to be treated lightly and particularly for illegal immigrants born in the U.S. of foreign born parents. So maybe one day we will get tougher in the way that we treat it.

P.S. Since I have reached the ripe old age of 98, I don't thing my opinions carry much weight any more.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Musing of one watching a car chasing a dog, chasing a deer which doesn't seem to know enough to get off the highway.

In my 98 years, I have voted in a number of presidential elections of course, but I have never seen one as messy as this one appears to be. It would be nice if we had some civic minded candidates who are more interested in the welfare of the U.S. than the welfare of themselves or their political party.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Musing of one watching a man running from a goose which was chasing him because he inadvertently disturbed his nest.

It seems to me we are in the worst political situation, as far as Republicans are concerned, in the country's history.  If Romney would announce again I think that would help a lot, but he is not going to so we will have to put up with what we get. Maybe someone will come up with one of FDR's fireside chats and that will be it. On the other hand, the Ides of March are here and we should all watch out.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Musing of one thinking about political manuevers.

I don't propose to listen to the State of the Union Address because all of them over the years are pretty standard. They assert that the country is in great shape and headed in the right direction. That approach may go all the way back to George Washington, although I do not know. In any event, it's a standard by most presidents.