Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Musing of One Writing an Article on Why Neither Hair Nor Grass Will Grow on a Billiard Ball

One of the unpleasant side effects of the Gulf oil spill has been the oppurtunity afforded for political posturing.

A couple of examples:

1. A number of times BP executives went on television and stated they would pay all costs resulting from the spill. Even after this, the President and various members of congress continued to stand in front of the camera and declaim: "We are going to make BP pay."

2. One of the major news services interviewed a boat captain who was sitting on his boat high and dry. He stated that he had been called out one day to do some clean up work on the ocean, but had since then been sitting idle without anything to do. The news service left the story at that. Another news service contacted BP about the same captain and boat and was informed that storms in the area made it unwise to send boats of that size out to do clean up work and that as soon as weather permitted they would be called out again. Meanwhile BP had been paying captain and crew. Sounds to me like the first news service had been doing a little political posturing.


  1. Hi Chan

    Thanks Chan, excellent pieces .

    Your father in law's writings make a lot of sense. He would get a medal from the queen of England if his musings on the political posturing re BP is printed in England. They are very angry over here with the way Obama is kicking in BP. The shares lost half its value and it is hurting pension funds !
