Sunday, June 20, 2010

Musings of One Who Found a Needle in a Haystack and Didn't Know What To Do With It

There's been much ado about immigration reform lately. While we're not privy to the discussions going in congress, what little information we can glean indicates that congress wants to avoid inconvenience to or injury to the feelings of illegal immigrants. Further, there seems to be a feeling in congress that the logistics of deporting 12 million illegal aliens (or however many there are) would be insurmountable. We think they're wrong on both counts.
If you want people to do something, you provide incentives for them to do it. (See previous musing about balancing the budget). When you want people not to do something, you establish the strongest dis-incentives that you can design. Some such dis-incentives already exist, but are not being enforced, and others could be easily established. In our opinion, if such dis-incentives were established, the illegal immigration problem would probably solve itself.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you say. It just boggles my mind that the "illegals" are referred to by many as "undocumented immigrants." They have broken our laws and crossed our borders! I think we must be the only country in the world that has not pursued getting the situation under control without granting those already here amnesty. We reward the lawbreakers as well.
