Thursday, September 6, 2012

Musing of one thinking about the teenage boy who, trying to impress two girls, took a flying leap at a low hanging branch, missed and landed in a briar patch, got stuck in the purest sense of the word, sent the girls regaling with laughter, and swore off girls forever (forever lasted about a week).

Having listened to some speeches at the two political conventions, an ancient truth raised its head-most statements which claimed to be fact are in reality half-truths.  Apparently the speakers assume that nobody will bother to try to obtain the complete story on any given statement.  Unfortunately, this is generally the case.  And so, I guess this election will be decided primarily as I described in my second posting on this blog.  The voting will be primarily on the basis of political affiliation, emotion, or susceptibility to propaganda.  Maybe by coincidence the winners will prove to be the proper choices.  I think we will survive no matter what. 

And so the crotchety old curmudgeon will cease propagating his own thoughts on this subject.