Sunday, May 16, 2010

Musings of One Finally Admitting Membership in the Krotchety Old Kurmudgeons Klub

Amendment 1 of the US constitution gives people the right to "peacably to assemble and petition the Government for a redress of grievance." I was reflecting on this some days ago as I watched a demonstration in Phoenix against the new Arizona law regarding illegal immigrants. What I saw was a crowd rampaging through the streets, impeding traffic, defacing buildings and injuring at least one police officer. I said to myself "This is hardly peacably assembling." And so we have the situation where a group of people who have flauted the constitution in at least one way, and two if they entered the country illegally, calling on that same constitution to invalidate a law which they consider inimacal to their personal interests. I call this sheer hypocrisy. I also call this blatant arrogance.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more. Wonderful to see your son Mike last week as he was transiting Bangkok enroute back over to Zamboanga. Regards to Daniel as well! Dave Hatcher
