Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Musing of a Native Arkansan Still Wondering How Smackover, Arkansas Got Its Name

It seems to us that in all the dithering about illegal immigration, congress has never considered one of the most effective solutions. That solution is the establishment of the strongest possible DISINCENTIVES.

So we offer below a couple of these, accompanied by a proper incentive:

First, citizenship should be denied to all illegal immigrants and their children, including those born in the US. This is consistent with the 14th Amendment and various interpretations of the words "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" contained in the 14th Amendment. It is also consistent with the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 which states that no matter where in the world a child is born if at least one of its parents is a legal US citizen the child is a legal US citizen. Conversely, it seems obvious that no matter where in the world a child is born, including the US, if at least one of its parents is not a legal US citizen than neither is the child. (Apparently, congress can confer citizenship on anyone when it chooses to do so; it seems evident they can choose not to confer citizenship.)

Second, all forms of public assistance, except for emergency medical care, should be denied to anyone who is in this country illegally.

Third, if there is not one already, there should be a guest worker program which permits people to come to this country to work, but which, so as each individual is concerned, is limited both in duration and in the number of persons the worker can bring. This should be a tightly controlled, easily policed program.

This is probably not a very popular approach with alot of people.

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