Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Musing of One Thinking About the Guy Who Tried to Sell Santa Claus Batteries for Rudolf's Nose

Fantasy #2
The Dream Act passed and people began to come out the shadows to claim their share. One guy joined the military, served two years in Hawaii, got his citizenship papers and began to organize his compatriots into a solid voting block. He succeeded to such an extent that the block was able to force passage of an open borders act.

Within a few months after the act was passed some one billion people from around the world flooded into the United States. The financial strain was so great that the economy collapsed resulting in a depression worse than the Great Depression. It was so bad that the military took all its equipment and went to Canada, where in conjunction with Canadian military it set up a defence line along the U.S. and Canadian border.

Things were so bad in the United states that people started heading south to find a better life. Mexico, whose population was down to 50 million because of out migration, tried valiantly to seal its borders but failed.

With all the new arrivals things got just as bad in Mexico and the masses continued to migrate south eventually arriving in Argentina, Chile, parts of Brazil, and the Falkland Islands.

Meanwhile a false rumor arose that Australia had enacted an open borders act another couple of billion people of Oriental decent headed to Australia which was unable to resist the on slot.

All this weight at the bottom of the world caused an imbalance so that the Earth tilted one half a degree from its normal inclination. The result was drastic climate changes aroused the world. Mexican resorts began to order ice skates. skies, and snow shoes in the hope of attracting more vacationers. Central California became the Ski capitol of the world, the Riviera found its self encased in ice two feet thick, and all the snow melted off Mount Fuji.

This prompted a group of environmentalists, who had blamed the US and George Bush for global warming, to head for the now and feeble united nations to ask for establishment of an office to monitor global cooling, ignoring the fact that Scandinavia has an average temperature of 95 degrees.

Eventually everybody realized the whole thing was a pipe drain and returned to their native lands, where upon the Earth turned to its normal angle of inclination. The climate changed again, and everybody resumed their practice of debating who was responsible for what.

Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus but during the great upheaval it got so warm at the north pole that he moved his entire operation to the South pole, where he had proceeded to review his navigational charts and adjust Rudolf's nose. Whether he is still there or has returned to the North pole is unknown at this time.


  1. Dear Mr. Eiland - your premise of uncontrolled immigration & consequences reminds me of a speech I gave in 1992 about national politics - entitled "The Country That Gave Up" because too many wimps in the US decided their problems had grown too large to solve. After a "decent interval" of handwringing by these Chicken Littles, enough hardy souls "woke up" a la the popular classic 30 years ago by Harold Melvin & the Bluenotes (youtube) "Wake Up, Everybody" -- and obeyed God and decided once again to get down to business and solve problems, not moan about them. Just was struck by the similarity between your thinking here and mine back then. Hatchersan

  2. Thank you for your kind comments. It is interesting to note how so many different ideas from different persons turn out to be so similar.
