Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Musing of one watching a 270-pound pro football player land on his derriere while trying to imitate the movements of a professional hula dancer.

Thanks to Bob Bernard for his comment.  That's more food for thought.  Incidentally, I have heard that some people have difficulty making a comment on this blog.  Anyone who has such difficulty can email a comment to me at dsrteilands@earthlink.net and I will transfer it to the blog.  Somewhere down the road I am going to make a posting on rights but don't hold your breath. 

1 comment:

  1. You have a great son, but I suspect you know that as part of your general G3 duties. I've known him and Chan for 30 odd (literally) years, had lunch with him in Bangkok on Monday, 19 November. He doesn't weigh 270 pounds, but he told me he was a professional hula dancer, and he told me about your blog, so it sounded right up my alley.

    God bless. You want comments? Incoming!
    Jim Coyne
